In an attempt to shield themselves from the sting of heartbreak and vulnerability, guys are less willing to commit and make their intentions clear with every word, action or thought. They would rather hang on to the life-line of friendship, which has minimal expectations but offers almost the same comfort that a relationship does than to bravely plunge into the depths of the unknown - risking it all.
The infamous cycle comprises of: befriending of a number of girls with the intention of finding a
potential, getting to know
them personally without any kind of commitment (disguised in friendship) and if there is one that stands out from all the other girls, likely to be ‘The One’ she is then pursued. One would probably think, “But there is nothing wrong with that, how else
is a guy meant to find a woman to marry without knowing her first?” The problem with this approach is that
1) A girl is unaware that she is on the review list with a number of other
girls, 2) A girl can get deceived in thinking that the friendship is being built
on mutual feelings, yet the guy is randomly emotionally attached to other girl 'friends', 3) It is self-seeking as all the guy cares about is finding
the right person no matter how many women he goes through and hurts in the
process (unintentionally) and 4) It allows a guy to enjoy the emotional and psychological benefits of an
exclusive relationship without offering any form of commitment - in the name of friendship.
I must mention that this kind of approach is most familiar with church guys. And what I find ironic is that, the guys who are quite frank about their intentions from the onset are usually the random guys. Which is puzzling because shouldn't the saved guys be the honest ones, the safer bets from lying and cheating scoundrels that are out there? What ever happened to praying and asking God to for the right
woman? What ever happened to seeking Christ to order and direct their steps?
What ever happened to enquiring from the Lord? What ever happened to trusting
God to reveal Eve? Why do they have to move from one girl to the other - searching - when they can simply ask? An
example from the Bible which is a replica of seeking for a wife the godly way
can be noted. In Genesis 24, Abraham sends his eldest servant to find Isaac a
wife amongst his kinsmen – the Canaanites. When the servant reaches the city
gates, scripture says in verse 11, “And he made his camels to kneel down outside
the city by a well of water at the time of the evening when women go out to
draw water.” It continues to state in the following verses, “And
he said, O Lord, God of my master Abraham, I pray You, cause me to meet with
good success today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. See, I Stand here
by the well of water, and the daughters of men of the city are coming to draw
water. And let it be so that the girl to whom I say, I pray you, let your jar
that I may drink, and she replies,
Drink, and I will give your camels drink also – let her be the one whom
You have selected and appointed and indicated for your servant Isaac [to be a
wife to him]…” Verse 15 notes, “Before he had finished speaking, behold out
came Rebekah… 16 articulates, “And the girl was beautiful and attractive,
chaste and modest, and unmarried…”
From this scripture we learn that, 1) The servant prayed and
asked for the success of his quest from the Lord. 2) He made clear the
specifications of the woman’s qualities in which he would be able to distinguish
her from the other young women. 3) He asked the Lord that overall, He should be the one to select, indicate and appoint the lass. 4)
As he had asked, God granted him and gave him the best. She was beautiful,
attractive, chaste, modest and unmarried. In the process, I do not recall
anywhere in the scripture where it mentions the number of women the servant had
to interview in order for him to get to the right one – Rebekah. Scripture says before he even
finished praying, behold the right one came along (who did exactly what he had
asked from God). What does this mean? Men do not have to go through a series of
women in order for them to discover the right one. The reason they are busy
searching is because they are not praying. They are using worldly perception,
mind-set and reasoning instead of relying upon the Lord.
To protect and guard oneself from falling into the trap of being part of "The review list" at the expense of one's time, effort, feelings and emotions - there are a number of things that one can do to arm themselves:
1) Guard you heart. Protect your heart from false romance which normally unfolds in the
name of friendship. It is easy to find yourself entangled in mini love
situations whereby you open your heart to a person whom his level of commitment
to you, you are not sure about - just because the ‘signs’ are there. What
signs? Until a guy says something to you, it doesn’t mean anything. No matter
how REAL the signs may be; he loves the Lord, preaches fire, has all the
qualities you are praying for, has the same interests as you, decent, handsome,
you talk every day, you’re the first person he calls when something happens in
his life – good or bad, you have been friends for years, your parents know him
and he knows your parents and etcetera. Guard your heart! Remember: Until he
says anything to you that CLEARLY suggests a love relationship, do not even go
2) Express yourself. When a guy comes up to you and
befriends you with no clear intention, simply express yourself (do not be
afraid). Tell him where you are, what friendship is to you, whether you are for
the idea of a boy-girl friendship, whether you are comfortable with it and the boundaries. Make
it clear where you stand with such matters. Do not assume that he
knows or he’ll get it. So that if he is coming with his fishing agenda
(reviewing tendencies), you quickly detect him and give him the boot (a golden one at that).
3) Ask about the intention. If you see the
friendship taking a different turn, getting serious without anyone
saying anything; ask about where it is going or the intention. So that you know
exactly where he stands before building castles in your head, thinking you’re
the next Mrs Johnson when in actual fact, he has his eye on someone else becoming Mrs
4) Make up your mind. Be very intentional on whom you allow into your life. Not
just every guy should have a piece of you (in friendship) just because it is permissible. Am not saying shy
away from guys and close yourself off. Talk to them, hang out (as the Spirit
leads), love them as your brothers but just know where the buck stops. If you
cannot handle it all together then, you might as well stay away - for your own
This is to say, we need to be wise with the kind of friendships we allow with the opposite sex. Let intentions be clear so that there are no misunderstandings and unnecessary heartbreaks. No one prides themself in getting hurt or being heart-broken. We all have fragile hearts, therefore it is best especially as children of God to stop with the second guessing games, “let’s see if you are the one” games, no! Let’s keep it
real, honest, and godly. The world should be learning from us on how to do things the right way... Let us guard our hearts...
Much love, be blessed.
well said boo