Friday, 26 September 2014

Negativity: Fight it.

This may seem as a fairly simple subject of discussion, but it should be noted that it can never be underestimated. We live in a world that breeds negativity on a daily basis conjuring distress and hopelessness; in which mankind is constantly besieged by news that mar the beauty of life and existence. Living in each day is like a desperate attempt to keep one’s head above the water in order to survive, but truth is it does not have to be that way. Life is meant to be a blissful experience to learn and discover new things, to grow and mature, to dream and believe, to pursue and achieve, to receive and give back. I should though express my gratitude to the positivists that have robustly pursued the role of remediating society of the negativity syndrome.

Ok, so here I am talking about negativity. What negativity? According to the Oxford English dictionary the definition of negative is, “not optimistic, encouraging or desirable.” So basically negativity is hopelessness and minimal confidence about the future.  Positivists have and are still doing their bit sorting after the remedies of societal pessimism but what about the negativity that stems from within an individual; the self-destructing/self-doubting words and thoughts, “You can never be anything beyond that level,” “Remember where you come from,” “You are such a failure," “Why don't you just quit?” Such thoughts are not only self-destructing but are fallacious and not only fallacious but they hold one back from pursuing the possibilities and experiences that will make them hopeful and confident in their future. So how does one move from keeping their head above the water to swimming along the current of life?
1)         Speak life into your life. Most of the time, the problem is that we do not speak the goodness we would love to see in our lives. We are always engrossed in the negative, constantly lauding it in our lives. Proverbs 18:21, corroborates that death and life are in the tongue and those that indulge in it shall eat its fruit. Words have power and this should not be understated. When you understand that the words you speak - you are sowing, even though the results may not be seen immediately; they manifest in time. If what you are experiencing at the time is not giving you any reason to be cheerful; speak life, speak blessings, speak breakthrough, speak truth, speak love, speak success and in due time it shall come to pass. Stop speaking negative words over your life because they will manifest.

2)         Let your mind be renewed. As a man thinks so is he (Proverb 24:7). What you think, you become. If you think you are a failure, sadly, a failure you will become. If you think less of yourself do not be surprised when your life turns out to be repugnant. Renew your mind as Roman 12:2 avows, so that you can access the good, pleasing and perfect will of God for your life. Philippians 4:8 affirms, “For the rest brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honourable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and loveable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].” Fix your mind on good things, as hard as it may be stop dwelling on the negative.

3)      Surround yourself with people that will speak life into your life. Surrounding yourself with people that sow seeds of encouragement and love over your life are not only pillars but become instruments that hone your God-given attributes which will usher you through life. Ecclesiastes 4: 9 -10 asserts, “Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labour; for if they fall, the one will lift his fellow.” You need to surround yourself with people that will care enough that when you fall, they lift you up. And this is not the typically falling of sin but a falling that symbolizes the hurdles and ominous struggles of life.  

4)        Trust God and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Beyond every other thing, Christ has to be your ultimate stalwart support system. Romans 15:13 states, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” It is only when you trust in God through all abysmal situations that you are filled with peace, hope and joy regardless of how daunting it may be.
Negativity will always be meandering in form of thoughts, words, and attitudes. What needs to be done is that we protect ourselves and engage in measures that will counteract any kind of hopelessness and distress because what we think, say and believe will determine who we become.

 Much love; be blessed.