According to a Wikipedia definition, celibacy is the
voluntary state of being unmarried, sexually abstinent or both, usually for
religious reasons. For this article, we will be considering the latter which
states that celibacy is the voluntary state of being sexually abstinent. A
state of action that our generation can barely relate with since almost everything
in society promotes promiscuity.
Popular consensus says “try it”, relationship columns
emphasize its importance in a relationship, relief organizations advocate “do
it safe”, ignorance says “do it for the experience” and TV says “if you wait,
you earn yourself the title of being the biggest loser.” What used to be regarded
as a sacred union which could only be enjoyed within the boundaries of marriage
is now considered a tool for trial, manipulation, pleasure and
What is usually not known nor said about sexual intimacy
outside marriage besides the fact that God condemns it (Yes He does) is that
there are other detrimental consequences. To base this on scripture; 1Corinthians
6:9 articulates, “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral (fornicators), nor
idolaters…will inherit the kingdom of God.” According to the compact Oxford
English dictionary, fornication is having sexual intercourse with someone one
is not married to. 1Corinthians 6:18 adds on stipulating that, “Flee
from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body,
but the sexual immoral person sins against his own body.” Now that it
is clear that God does condemn sex outside marriage, we can move on to the
point I raised in the beginning of the paragraph about the detrimental
consequences of having sex outside marriage. If you probably think, I’ll be
going through the clichéd pregnancy, STI's then think again – that is for the
organizations to do (well not necessarily the organizations, just making a
point. We all have the responsibility to educate).
Mark 10:7-8 states, “For this reason a man shall leave behind
his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and cleave closely to her
permanently, And the two shall become one flesh, so that they are no longer
two, but one flesh.” Key sentences I am looking for; CLEAVE
two people join together sexually, cleaving to one another they become one
flesh. This means that everything this person is, you become and what you are
they become. Ephesians 5:31-32 calls this joining into one a mystery and indeed
it is a mystery. Taking this back to conventional relationships; each time two
people engage in sexual intimacy they become one. Meaning, there is a physical,
psychological, emotional and spiritual exchange that takes place between the
two. The main question that arises then is: if in every relationship one keeps
bartering who they are in sexual intimacy, what is to be left of them to give
to their spouse by the time they get to marriage? The various sexual ‘exchanges’
with different partners can be said to be the reason why most people remain
tied emotionally and psychologically to their exes, past relationships and
experiences even when they have “moved on”. It is because of the physical,
emotional, psychological and spiritual exchange that took place in past sexual
encounters. Most marriages are left unfulfilled and lacking; since most of the
intimacy a person has to give is exhausted prior.
1 Corinthians 6:16 warns “Or do you not know and realize that when a
man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her?...” This
can loosely be translated as: what the person is, you become whether good or
bad. So if you join with a prostitute, you automatically become one (Yep the
word said it, I didn’t). If you join with a loose men or woman no matter how conserved
you may have been, you will involuntarily become loose too. Some people are
living in promiscuity not because they want to but because of the people they
previously joined with (had sexual encounters with). The promiscuity of those
men or women was transferred into their being – thus becoming one with them. It
is also a matter of character, behaviour, personality, emotional state, thought
process etc. Who a person is in character, behaviour, personality, emotionally,
psychologically and spiritually; when you join with them sexually you too
become - whether good or bad. In a culture where it is propagated that we go
out there and get all the experience we can get from sexual encounters in
recreational relationships; how many personalities, characters, behaviours,
emotional traumas, conflicting emotions etc. is one absorbing into their being
- noting that one is also leaving bits and pieces of who they are in one
relationship and the next. Quite scary when you come to think about it. Every
time you have a sexual encounter with a person, a part of you gets left behind and
you are merely compensated with that of the person’s - whom by the way you will
not even spend the rest of your life with (what a waste).
This is why God reproves of sexual intimacy outside marriage
because He understands the damaging consequences of it that are not easily seen
with the eye. It is not because God doesn’t want us to have fun or it is
because He is a controlling God that reprimands us for everything. I mean why
would He create something He would not want us to enjoy? He wants us to enjoy
it within the SAFE boundaries of marriage that will offer one the security,
love and support they need. With all that has been said, it does not mean that
if it has happened that one has engaged in sexual encounters before then there
is no hope for them, No! The blood of Jesus washes away every sin, renews and
restores therefore there is no need for one to feel condemned. Romans 8:1 says, “Therefore, there is now no
condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus…”
This article is not meant to judge but to simply warn about the dangers of
engaging in sexual intimacy before marriage and to point out that celibacy is
not just a voluntary state to refrain from sex because the Bible demands so,
but it is to protect us from mistakes that ultimately perpetuate marriage malfunctions.
Celibacy (refraining from any form of sexual gratification till marriage) is not just a way of running away from sexual lusts
and pleasures but it is also a way of protecting our future marriages. The more
whole you are, the better you can commit to your spouse and the better they can
commit to you too. You will not have to gash through the clutter of all the
experiences you would have accumulated from past relationships to offer to your
spouse what they need to feel loved and secure in the marriage. You save
yourself not just for you and future spouse but you save yourself to save your
future marriage.
Much love, be blessed.
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